hb wins by achievements!

    initial hand: The Wheel1 and Clothing1
    achievement(s):  1 – Prehistory 2 – Classical 3 – Medieval 4 – Renaissance 5 – Exploration Monument
    score: (28) 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 5 6 2
     Chemistry5 Calendar2 Writing1
     Reformation4 Code of Laws1 Enterprise4
    Paper3 The Wheel1 Clothing1
     Statistics5 Agriculture1
    Metalworking1 Engineering3 Colonialism4
    3  7  5  3  2  0 

Core Xii:
    initial hand: Sailing1 and Pottery1
    achievement(s):  6 – Enlightenment
    score: (0)
     Quantum Theory8 Encyclopedia6 Experimentation4 Alchemy3 Printing Press4 Translation3 Tools1 Pottery1
    A.I.10 Societies5 Emancipation6 Education3 Feudalism3
    Databases10 Self Service10 Measurement5 Classification6 Sailing1
    Skyscrapers8 Canning6 Vaccination6 Anatomy4 Canal Building2 Medicine3
    Optics3 Archery1
    0  2  5  7  1  7 

Game log hb melds Clothing1 and goes first. Core Xii melds Sailing1.
hb's turn 1 — hb draws Code of Laws1.
Core Xii's turn 1 — Core Xii applies the dogma of Sailing1. ... Core Xii draws and melds Archery1. Core Xii melds Pottery1.
hb's turn 2 — hb draws Writing1. hb melds Code of Laws1.
Core Xii's turn 2 — Core Xii draws Tools1. Core Xii draws City States1.
hb's turn 3 — hb draws Metalworking1. hb melds Metalworking1.
Core Xii's turn 3 — Core Xii draws Mysticism1. Core Xii draws Masonry1.
hb's turn 4 — hb applies the dogma of Metalworking1. ... hb draws and scores Oars1. ... hb draws Agriculture1. hb melds Agriculture1.
Core Xii's turn 4 — Core Xii melds Tools1. Core Xii applies the dogma of Tools1. ... Core Xii returns Masonry1, Mysticism1, and City States1. ... Core Xii draws and melds Feudalism3. ... Core Xii returns nothing.
hb's turn 5 — hb applies the dogma of Clothing1. ... hb melds Writing1. ... hb draws and scores Masonry1. hb melds The Wheel1.
Core Xii's turn 5 — Core Xii draws Education3. Core Xii draws Medicine3.
hb's turn 6 — hb applies the dogma of Metalworking1. ... hb draws and scores Mysticism1. ... hb draws and scores City States1. ... hb draws and scores Monotheism2. ... hb draws Calendar2. hb achieves age 1 – Prehistory!
Core Xii's turn 6 — Core Xii draws Compass3. Core Xii melds Medicine3.
hb's turn 7 — hb melds Calendar2. hb applies the dogma of Calendar2. ... hb draws Paper3 and Engineering3.
Core Xii's turn 7 — Core Xii draws Alchemy3. Core Xii draws Optics3.
hb's turn 8 — hb applies the dogma of Calendar2. ... hb draws Translation3 and Colonialism4. hb applies the dogma of Agriculture1. ... hb returns Translation3. ... hb draws and scores Invention4.
Core Xii's turn 8 — Core Xii melds Optics3. Core Xii applies the dogma of Optics3. ... Core Xii draws and melds Translation3. ... Core Xii draws and scores Perspective4.
hb's turn 9 — hb achieves age 2 – Classical! hb melds Paper3.
Core Xii's turn 9 — Core Xii applies the dogma of Optics3. ... Core Xii draws and melds Printing Press4. ... Core Xii draws and scores Gunpowder4. Core Xii melds Education3.
hb's turn 10 — hb applies the dogma of Calendar2. ... hb draws Enterprise4 and Reformation4. hb melds Reformation4.
Core Xii's turn 10 — Core Xii applies the dogma of Education3. ... Core Xii returns Gunpowder4. ... Core Xii draws Classification6. Core Xii melds Classification6.
hb's turn 11 — hb applies the dogma of Reformation4. ... hb tucks Engineering3, Colonialism4, and Enterprise4. ... hb splays his purple cards right. hb applies the dogma of Metalworking1. ... hb draws Canal Building2.
Core Xii's turn 11 — Core Xii draws Vaccination6. Core Xii draws Encyclopedia6.
hb's turn 12 — hb applies the dogma of Calendar2. ... hb draws Experimentation4 and Anatomy4. hb applies the dogma of Agriculture1. ... hb returns Experimentation4. ... hb draws and scores Astronomy5.
Core Xii's turn 12 — Core Xii draws Canning6. Core Xii draws Emancipation6.
hb's turn 13 — hb applies the dogma of Calendar2. ... hb draws Gunpowder4 and Experimentation4. hb applies the dogma of Agriculture1. ... hb returns Experimentation4. ... hb draws and scores Coal5.
Core Xii's turn 13 — Core Xii applies the dogma of Classification6. ... Core Xii reveals Emancipation6. ... Core Xii takes nothing from hb's hand. ... Core Xii melds Emancipation6. Core Xii applies the dogma of Printing Press4. ... Core Xii returns Perspective4 from his score pile. ... Core Xii draws Skyscrapers8. ... Core Xii splays his blue cards right.
hb's turn 14 — hb achieves age 3 – Medieval! hb achieves age 4 – Renaissance!
Core Xii's turn 14 — Core Xii applies the dogma of Classification6. ... Core Xii reveals Skyscrapers8. ... Core Xii takes Canal Building2 and Anatomy4 from hb's hand. ... Core Xii melds Canal Building2, Anatomy4, Vaccination6, Canning6, and Skyscrapers8. Core Xii draws Quantum Theory8.
hb's turn 15 — hb applies the dogma of Calendar2. ... hb draws Experimentation4 and Perspective4. hb applies the dogma of Calendar2. ... hb draws The Pirate Code5 and Measurement5.
Core Xii's turn 15 — Core Xii draws Antibiotics8. Core Xii applies the dogma of Classification6. ... Core Xii reveals Quantum Theory8. ... Core Xii takes Experimentation4 from hb's hand. ... Core Xii melds Alchemy3, Experimentation4, Encyclopedia6, and Quantum Theory8.
hb's turn 16 — hb applies the dogma of Calendar2. ... hb draws Societies5 and Chemistry5. hb melds Chemistry5.
Core Xii's turn 16 — Core Xii applies the dogma of Quantum Theory8. ... Core Xii returns Compass3 and Antibiotics8. ... Core Xii draws A.I.10. ... Core Xii draws and scores Robotics10. Core Xii applies the dogma of Classification6. ... Core Xii reveals A.I.10. ... Core Xii takes Societies5 from hb's hand. ... Core Xii melds Societies5 and A.I.10.
hb's turn 17 — hb applies the dogma of Chemistry5. ... hb splays his blue cards right. ... hb draws and scores Machine Tools6. ... hb returns Masonry1 from his score pile. hb achieves age 5 – Exploration!
Core Xii's turn 17 — Core Xii applies the dogma of A.I.10. ... Core Xii draws and scores Databases10. Core Xii applies the dogma of A.I.10. ... Core Xii draws and scores Stem Cells10.
hb's turn 18 — hb draws Steam Engine5. hb draws Statistics5.
Core Xii's turn 18 — Core Xii achieves age 6 – Enlightenment! Core Xii applies the dogma of A.I.10. ... Core Xii draws and scores Self Service10.
hb's turn 19 — hb melds Statistics5. hb applies the dogma of Statistics5. ... demands are made of Core Xii. ... Core Xii draws Databases10 from his score pile. ... Core Xii draws Self Service10 from his score pile. ... hb splays his yellow cards right.
Core Xii's turn 19 — Core Xii applies the dogma of Classification6. ... Core Xii reveals Databases10. ... Core Xii takes Measurement5 from hb's hand. ... Core Xii melds Measurement5, Self Service10, and Databases10. Core Xii applies the dogma of Databases10. ... demands are made of hb. ... hb removes City States1, Mysticism1, Oars1, and Monotheism2 from his score pile. ... hb returns Monotheism2, Oars1, Mysticism1, and City States1.
hb's turn 20 — hb applies the dogma of Statistics5. ... demands are made of Core Xii. ... Core Xii draws Robotics10 from his score pile. ... Core Xii draws Stem Cells10 from his score pile. hb applies the dogma of Metalworking1. ... hb draws and scores Masonry1. ... hb draws and scores Oars1. ... hb draws and scores Mysticism1. ... hb draws and scores City States1. ... hb draws and scores Construction2. ... hb draws and scores Fermenting2. ... hb achieves Monument! hb wins by achievements!