JohnNi wins by achievements!

    initial hand: Oars1 and The Wheel1
    achievement(s):  1 – Prehistory Monument
    score: (7) 1 1 2 3
    Physics5 Experimentation4 Alchemy3 Mathematics2 Pottery1
     Mysticism1 City States1
    Mapmaking2 The Wheel1
    Anatomy4 Masonry1 Agriculture1
     Mobility8 Flight8 Industrialization6 Metalworking1 Engineering3 Oars1 Combustion7
    8  3  3  6  6  2 

    initial hand: Writing1 and Tools1
    achievement(s):  2 – Classical Universe 3 – Medieval 4 – Renaissance 5 – Exploration 6 – Enlightenment
    score: (38) 2 2 6 8 10 10
     Quantum Theory8 Chemistry5 Evolution7 Atomic Theory6 Tools1
     A.I.10 Services9 Empiricism8 Railroad7 Democracy6 Feudalism3 Education3
    Satellites9 Paper3 Mass Media8
    Refrigeration7 Suburbia9 Vaccination6 Medicine3 Antibiotics8
    Fission9 Optics3
    2  6  14  1  2  11 

Game log eliegel melds Oars1 and goes first. JohnNi melds Tools1.
eliegel's turn 1 — eliegel applies the dogma of Oars1. ... demands are made of JohnNi. ... JohnNi transfers Writing1 to eliegel's score pile. ... JohnNi draws City States1.
JohnNi's turn 1 — JohnNi draws Code of Laws1. JohnNi draws Mysticism1.
eliegel's turn 2 — eliegel melds The Wheel1. eliegel applies the dogma of The Wheel1. ... eliegel draws Agriculture1 and Pottery1.
JohnNi's turn 2 — JohnNi applies the dogma of Tools1. ... JohnNi returns City States1, Code of Laws1, and Mysticism1. ... JohnNi draws and melds Education3. ... JohnNi returns nothing. JohnNi draws Optics3.
eliegel's turn 3 — eliegel applies the dogma of The Wheel1. ... eliegel draws Metalworking1 and Masonry1. eliegel melds Pottery1.
JohnNi's turn 3 — JohnNi melds Optics3. JohnNi applies the dogma of Optics3. ... JohnNi draws and melds Paper3. ... JohnNi draws and scores Navigation4.
eliegel's turn 4 — eliegel applies the dogma of Pottery1. ... eliegel returns Agriculture1. ... eliegel returns Metalworking1. ... eliegel returns Masonry1. ... eliegel draws and scores Machinery3. ... eliegel draws Sailing1. eliegel applies the dogma of Oars1. ... demands are made of JohnNi. ... JohnNi has nothing to transfer. ... eliegel draws Clothing1.
JohnNi's turn 4 — JohnNi draws Compass3. JohnNi applies the dogma of Optics3. ... JohnNi draws and melds Medicine3. ... JohnNi draws and scores Reformation4.
eliegel's turn 5 — eliegel applies the dogma of Pottery1. ... eliegel returns Sailing1. ... eliegel draws and scores Archery1. ... eliegel draws City States1. eliegel achieves age 1 – Prehistory!
JohnNi's turn 5 — JohnNi applies the dogma of Education3. ... JohnNi returns Reformation4. ... JohnNi draws Democracy6. JohnNi applies the dogma of Optics3. ... JohnNi draws and melds Feudalism3. ... No opponents have fewer points than JohnNi.
eliegel's turn 6 — eliegel applies the dogma of The Wheel1. ... eliegel draws Code of Laws1 and Mysticism1. eliegel melds City States1.
JohnNi's turn 6 — JohnNi melds Democracy6. JohnNi draws Canning6.
eliegel's turn 7 — eliegel applies the dogma of City States1. ... demands are made of no one. eliegel applies the dogma of The Wheel1. ... eliegel draws Agriculture1 and Metalworking1.
JohnNi's turn 7 — JohnNi draws Vaccination6. JohnNi draws Atomic Theory6.
eliegel's turn 8 — eliegel melds Agriculture1. eliegel applies the dogma of Agriculture1. ... eliegel returns Mysticism1. ... eliegel draws and scores Monotheism2.
JohnNi's turn 8 — JohnNi melds Atomic Theory6. JohnNi applies the dogma of Atomic Theory6. ... JohnNi splays his blue cards right. ... JohnNi draws and melds Evolution7.
eliegel's turn 9 — eliegel applies the dogma of The Wheel1. ... eliegel draws Masonry1 and Sailing1. eliegel draws Mysticism1.
JohnNi's turn 9 — JohnNi applies the dogma of Evolution7. ... JohnNi draws and scores Skyscrapers8. ... JohnNi returns Navigation4 from his score pile. JohnNi applies the dogma of Evolution7. ... JohnNi draws Fission9.
eliegel's turn 10 — eliegel draws Philosophy2. eliegel draws Mapmaking2.
JohnNi's turn 10 — JohnNi melds Fission9. JohnNi melds Vaccination6.
eliegel's turn 11 — eliegel draws Mathematics2. eliegel melds Mathematics2.
JohnNi's turn 11 — JohnNi draws Suburbia9. JohnNi melds Suburbia9.
eliegel's turn 12 — eliegel applies the dogma of Mathematics2. ... effects are shared with JohnNi. ... JohnNi returns Canning6. ... JohnNi draws and melds Railroad7. ... eliegel returns Philosophy2. ... eliegel draws and melds Engineering3. ... eliegel draws Alchemy3 as a sharing bonus. eliegel melds Masonry1.
JohnNi's turn 12 — JohnNi draws Satellites9. JohnNi melds Satellites9.
eliegel's turn 13 — eliegel applies the dogma of Masonry1. ... eliegel melds Alchemy3, Mapmaking2, Mysticism1, and Metalworking1. ... eliegel achieves Monument! eliegel draws Anatomy4.
JohnNi's turn 13 — JohnNi applies the dogma of Satellites9. ... JohnNi returns Compass3. ... JohnNi draws Mass Media8, Empiricism8, and Antibiotics8. ... JohnNi splays his purple cards up. ... JohnNi melds Empiricism8 and then executes it. ... ... JohnNi chooses red and green. ... ... JohnNi draws and reveals Services9. JohnNi melds Services9.
eliegel's turn 14 — eliegel melds Anatomy4. eliegel draws Experimentation4.
JohnNi's turn 14 — JohnNi applies the dogma of Suburbia9. ... JohnNi tucks Antibiotics8 and Mass Media8. ... JohnNi draws and scores Road Building2 and Calendar2. JohnNi achieves age 2 – Classical!
eliegel's turn 15 — eliegel melds Experimentation4. eliegel applies the dogma of Experimentation4. ... effects are shared with JohnNi. ... JohnNi draws and melds Chemistry5. ... eliegel draws and melds Physics5. ... eliegel draws Steam Engine5 as a sharing bonus.
JohnNi's turn 15 — JohnNi applies the dogma of Satellites9. ... JohnNi has no cards to return. ... JohnNi draws Rocketry8, Quantum Theory8, and Socialism8. ... JohnNi melds Quantum Theory8 and then executes it. ... JohnNi achieves Universe! ... ... JohnNi returns Rocketry8 and Socialism8. ... ... JohnNi draws A.I.10. ... ... JohnNi draws and scores Stem Cells10. JohnNi melds A.I.10.
eliegel's turn 16 — eliegel applies the dogma of Physics5. ... effects are shared with JohnNi. ... JohnNi draws Emancipation6, Encyclopedia6, and Metric System6. ... eliegel draws Classification6, Industrialization6, and Canning6. ... eliegel draws Astronomy5 as a sharing bonus. eliegel melds Industrialization6.
JohnNi's turn 16 — JohnNi achieves age 3 – Medieval! JohnNi achieves age 4 – Renaissance!
eliegel's turn 17 — eliegel applies the dogma of Industrialization6. ... eliegel draws and tucks Combustion7. ... eliegel splays his purple cards right. eliegel applies the dogma of Physics5. ... effects are shared with JohnNi. ... JohnNi draws Electricity7, Lighting7, and Refrigeration7. ... eliegel draws Bicycle7, Publications7, and Sanitation7. ... eliegel draws Flight8 as a sharing bonus.
JohnNi's turn 17 — JohnNi melds Refrigeration7. JohnNi applies the dogma of Refrigeration7. ... demands are made of eliegel. ... eliegel returns Canning6, Astronomy5, Clothing1, Code of Laws1, and Sailing1. ... JohnNi scores Encyclopedia6 from his hand.
eliegel's turn 18 — eliegel melds Flight8. eliegel applies the dogma of Flight8. ... eliegel splays his red cards up.
JohnNi's turn 18 — JohnNi achieves age 5 – Exploration! JohnNi applies the dogma of Quantum Theory8. ... JohnNi returns Emancipation6 and Electricity7. ... JohnNi draws Globalization10. ... JohnNi draws and scores The Internet10.
eliegel's turn 19 — eliegel draws Mobility8. eliegel melds Mobility8.
JohnNi's turn 19 — JohnNi achieves age 6 – Enlightenment! JohnNi wins by achievements!